The Maroon Nation at their best!
Bryson City-As far as games go, this Friday’s showdown with Robbinsville is about as big as it gets. For the Maroon Devils to win a 4th straight Smoky Mountain Conference title, this game is a must. Winning the conference title could mean the difference in going to a place such as West Montgomery or such a team coming here. And last year’s history lesson should tell us how important that is to having a chance to win a State Championship.
Honestly though, the home field doesn’t amount to much if we do not take advantage of it. No, I’m not talking about the Maroon Devils or even the cheerleaders, I’m talking about the Maroon Nation and the Swain student section, which of course is part of the Nation.
Last Friday at Tuscola the Nation was a non-factor as the Maroon Devils fought for their lives in a tough contest. That simply cannot happen when we are playing in Memorial Stadium on Boyce Deitz Field. And it certainly cannot happen this Friday.
Robbinsville is a rival, they will bring a large crowd. They are a proud program, one with just as much tradition and pride as ours. Their fans are knowledgeable and will come prepared to do whatever they can to help the Black Knights win. We cannot allow them to turn Friday into a “home” game, especially given it is in OUR stadium.
The Maroon Nation can be the single biggest advantage in high school 1A sports, or frustratingly can be a total non-factor. That simply cannot happen. We need the Maroon Nation who turned out during playoff runs in 2011 and 2012, that Maroon Nation was simply the greatest advantage that I have ever seen for a high school football team.
So Friday, the bells will ring, just like they have for our other home games. Crazy Train will blare, the cheerleaders will do chants and cheers like there is no tomorrow, the band will do everything in their power to help, and the football team will play as hard as is physically possible.
The million dollar question is what will the Maroon Nation and Swain student section do? And that my friends may very well be what this game hinges on!